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The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

As part of our efforts to create a cleaner, greener, and healthier borough, we are proposing to create a liveable neighbourhood in The Cally

As part of our efforts to create a cleaner, greener, and healthier borough, we are proposing to create a liveable neighbourhood in The Cally.

Liveable neighbourhoods include changes to bring communities together, improve air quality, and make the area greener, healthier and easier to walk around, cycle, scoot, and use buggies and wheelchairs in.

Between 19 February and 17 March 2024 we ran a public consultation on our final draft proposals to hear your thoughts and feedback about our designs. We’re now reviewing your feedback and will use this to make any final design changes. We will then take a decision on what improvements to make as part of the Cally Liveable Neighbourhood. If we make a decision to go ahead, we expect to start building the project later in 2024.


Date Phase Description
November 2022 to April 2023 1 - Early engagement

We collected feedback from local people at in-person events and by email to find out issues and gather ideas on what can be done to improve the area.

30 June to 6 August 2023 2 - Co-design We gathered views from local people about the area and our first proposals at online and in-person events, and with a survey.
19 February to 17 March 2024 3 - Public consultation Formal public consultation on final draft proposals.

About The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood is the area between Market Road, Caledonian Road, Pentonville Road, and York Way. 

Map showing The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood boundary and area

Local people have already told us that they want:

  • pavement improvements with more space created for people walking, wheeling and with buggies and mobility aids
  • more pleasant, green public spaces and places to stop and rest
  • safer streets with slower traffic and fewer vehicles 
  • the area to be easier to cycle in.

Our proposals have been guided by and will build upon the 'We Are Cally' Community Plan, which sets out how we’ll engage with the community to make the area a better place for all.

  • A strong community with a sense of belonging.
  • Better opportunities for children, young people and families.
  • Attractive, well-used public spaces.
  • Improved health and wellbeing.
  • A thriving, connected local economy that works for everyone.

More information

For general information and questions about liveable neighbourhoods in Islington, you can visit our main people-friendly streets FAQs page.

If you have any questions that are not answered by the information on this page, you can contact us at

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.