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Adapting your home

Find out how to ask for equipment or changes to your home if you have a permanent or substantial disability so you can live without needing help.

If you or a member of your household have a permanent or substantial disability, you may be able to ask for equipment or changes to your home so you can live every day without needing help.

Adaptations can mean simple things like grab rails or more complex changes like a level access shower.

If you think some support, advice, equipment or an adaptation would improve your day-to-day living, you can:

  • contact us for advice about other ways to carry out tasks, with or without special equipment or adaptations
  • ask for support for you or a member of your household
  • fill in an online form to ask for an assessment.

Ask for help for you or someone else

Fill in this form if you would like to ask for an Occupational Therapy assessment for equipment or an adaptation to a home.

Ask for an assessment

Talk to someone for advice, support and referral

Housing tenant services

Your housing tenancy management team can also help with advice and referrals.


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