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Transferring to another property

Council or housing association tenants can apply to transfer to another property in Islington. There are also options if you want to move out of Islington.

We cannot offer a council home to most people who apply.

If you are already a council or housing association tenant, register for a mutual exchange or home swap. This will make your chances of a move much more likely.

To register go to Home Swapper.

Applying for a transfer

Who can apply

Anyone can apply for a transfer except if you have missed rent payments.

Those who have missed rent payments will not be eligible unless agreed with the area housing office or your housing association first. Usually you will have to make an arrangement to pay some of what you owe and you will have to keep to this agreement for at least six months.

Who has priority

Priority for housing transfers are given to tenants who have urgent reasons for moving, for example if:

  • there are serious medical problems in the household
  • we have planned major repairs or improvements and you need to move out for them
  • your home is too large for you and you need to downsize
  • you are under threat of violence or serious harm
  • your home is too small for you.

How to apply

You can register for a transfer with us or your housing association through the housing register.

Make sure that the information on your application form is correct and tell us if your circumstances change in any way, as this could affect your application.

If you need help to fill in the online application form, call the Housing Options team on 020 7527 4140 or email

You will be awarded points according to your current situation and if you have 120 points or more you can bid on our advertised properties.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.