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Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) scam text message

We are aware of a scam where people receive a text message stating they have a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) from the local council and a link to pay it.

This is a scam – we never send texts containing a link to pay for a PCN. You will only receive PCNs as a physical ticket on your vehicle, by post, or handed to you by a Civil Enforcement Officer.

Please ignore these texts and do not click the link to make a payment. You can report scams to the National Cyber Security Centre online or by forwarding the text to 7726.

Parking sign and car icon

Buy or renew a residents parking permit

How Islington residents can buy a permit to park near their home.

Things you will need to provide when applying for a permit

You only need to provide these once. If you change your address or vehicle, you will need to provide new proof of address and ownership.

Upload photos of your proof the first time you buy or renew a permit in your new parking account.

One proof of address

  • A council tax, energy, water or landline phone bill dated within the last three months
  • Driving licence registered at your current address
  • Tenancy agreement
  • Department for Work and Pensions letter dated within the last six months.

One proof of vehicle ownership

  • Car insurance schedule document
  • Registration document (V5)
  • Hire agreement. 

If you have a company car

Residents with a company vehicle must provide a copy of the vehicle registration document (V5) or copy of the lease agreement and a letter, written on the company's headed stationery, stating:

  • that the applicant is an employee of the company
  • the vehicle registration mark/number
  • the reason for providing the vehicle to the employee
  • the Islington address where the vehicle will be parked.

The letter must be signed and dated by the company secretary or an authorised officer of the company to sign the declaration. This must not be the applicant.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.