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Payment forms not working - Wednesday 23 October

Payment forms on our website are not working right now. This means you can't pay for anything including parking permits and PCNs, rent, registrar certificates and ceremonies and green waste collection permits.

We are very sorry if this affects you and are working hard to fix the problem as soon as we can.

Street sign and cone icon

People-friendly streets in Highbury

In January 2021 we introduced a low traffic neighbourhood trial in Highbury to create greener, healthier, more welcoming streets.

The trial aimed to: 

  • make it easier and safer to walk and cycle 
  • clean up the air we breathe, which delivers health and wellbeing benefits for all
  • reduce road danger.  

We introduced:

  • camera-enforced traffic filters were installed on Aubert Park, Benwell Road, Gillespie Road, Highbury Hill and two on Highbury Place; one located south of the junction with Calabria Road and the other at the junction with Highbury Corner, Monsell Road and St. Thomas’s Road
  • bollard filters were installed on Avenell Road and Plimsoll Road.

Map of the Highbury low traffic neighbourhood

Map showing the Highbury low-traffic neghbourhood area and traffic filters

You can also see locations of the traffic filters on Google maps

Download map

Next steps for Highbury

On Friday 1 December 2023, we made the Highbury low-traffic neighbourhood permanent. This followed positive feedback from local people, including in a public consultation on the neighbourhood, and monitoring data that showed that the scheme was achieving its goals. 

During the trial, we made numerous changes to the scheme to reflect feedback, and the improve streets for all. In May 2022, we introduced a Blue Badge exemption for Blue Badge holders to travel through camera-enforced filters. Our monitoring data showed that after this change, the scheme continued to have positive impacts.

The future of the Highbury LTN

We will continue to work to improve the local environment in Highbury, including:

  • making improvements to footpaths to ensure they are accessible for walking, wheeling and using buggies
  • monitoring local roads and work with Hackney to explore the feasibility of medium and long-term measures around Blackstock Road to further improve how traffic operates on the local network


We have published our most recent monitoring report for the Highbury PFS neighbourhood. This report includes data collected in November 2020, December 2021 and January and March 2023 to monitor the scheme after exemptions were provided to eligible Blue Badge holders.

You can also see monitoring reports from the first six months and the first year of the neighbourhood in the "Useful documents" section.


We held a public consultation on the neighbourhood between Monday, 7 February and Monday, 14 March 2022, and in May 2022 we published an independently-written report that summarises the key findings. You can find a summary of the findings from the consultation on the dedicated consultation webpage

We also received feedback from local people in advance of the consultation - including on our Commonplace website, in feedback surveys, emails, formal objections, and meetings. In May 2022, we published a report that summarises the feedback. 

Useful documents

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