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Payment forms not working - Wednesday 23 October

Payment forms on our website are not working right now. This means you can't pay for anything including parking permits and PCNs, rent, registrar certificates and ceremonies and green waste collection permits.

We are very sorry if this affects you and are working hard to fix the problem as soon as we can.

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Winter personal safety

Have fun and stay safe when out and about in Islington

It’s important to know how to be safe when out and about.

Here are our top tips to staying safe when out and about:

  • If you ever feel unwell or worried for your safety when out and about in Islington, there are a number of Safe Havens in the borough that can help. Just look out for the logo in the window or find your closest Safe Haven.
  • Plan your journey home and if using a taxi, make sure that it’s a black cab or licensed vehicle. For more info on travelling safely visit the Met Police website
  • Christmas is a happy time for most, but the emotional strain of the season can contribute to a rise in domestic abuse. If you need help over the festive period contact Solace Women’s Aid. In an emergency, always call 999. More information is on our violence against women and girls page. If you're a council tenant experiencing any domestic abuse, we can help you
  • Collect one of our free drug test wristbands from the Nightsafe Patrol team to check exactly how safe your drink is. The team will be visiting stations and key night time locations on weekends between now and Christmas.
  • If you're out in any public place and see something that doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts & report confidentially online at
  • The council is also supporting the Good Guys Guide campaign, which is guidance for how men can be allies to women and help create safer streets for everyone. 

We’re working hard to make Islington a safe borough and doing all we can to make residents and visitors feel happier about their visit here. We work closely with our partners all year round on programmes like the Women’s Night Safety Charter, Safe Havens and the Late Night Levy which funds a weekend night patrol service so that you can feel and be safe.

Pubs, bars, restaurants, music venues and iconic nightclubs have signed up to Islington’s Women’s Night Safety Charter. We work with partners to train staff how to deal with harassment, report issues and promote women’s safety. These venues vow to watch out for and help female patrons while on a night out. View a list of partner venues.

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