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Islington Climate Panel

We’re giving local people the opportunity to help shape Islington Council’s approach to creating a greener, healthier borough.

The Islington Climate Panel brings together a group of people, chosen by democratic lottery, who broadly represent the diversity of Islington’s communities.

What the panel has been doing

Panel members have been working together to tackle the important question: 'What does a climate-resilient Islington look like and how do we get there?'

Members have learnt about climate change issues and discussed them with each other as well as with representatives from local groups and the council.

Together, they’ve been considering how the council and its partners can reduce the risks posed by climate change by improving Islington’s ‘climate resilience’. This includes considering what can be done to make the borough greener, and to reduce the risk of flooding and extreme heat.

Climate resilience and adaptation 

Climate change will increase the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events in the UK.

These include heatwaves, drought, surface water flooding, and wildfires. People’s health and wellbeing, buildings and infrastructure, and the economy will all be affected.

We will all need to adapt the way we manage extreme weather and how it affects Islington, and how the borough can prepare for, withstand and recover from intense weather events when they happen.  

What the panel has focused on

The panel has spent time learning how extreme weather events are already impacting people in Islington, and what some of the future risks are. Council officers outlined our existing approach to responding to extreme heat and flooding events and worked with panellists to think through how we can increase community resilience.


Participants are working with us to help develop our approach to greening the borough to reduce risks of flooding and heat in Islington, help set our understanding of what a green, climate resilient Islington could look like, and help us to work through some of the challenges and barriers to achieving this.

What's next for the panel

Across eight sessions, the panel explored critical themes such as the science of climate change, adaptation and resilience, green spaces, and emergency planning scenarios.


Our panel members have discussed key proposals to enhance Islington's climate resilience, focusing on greening our streets, how we can make the most of our public spaces and buildings, and collaborating with local businesses.


Council officers are now reviewing these proposals and will meet with panel members again to decide how to take things forward.  Ultimately, the panel’s proposals will influence our updated climate action plans, shape our green infrastructure strategy, and inform emergency response plans.

Changing how we engage and work with you

The Islington Climate Panel is part of our wider commitment to put communities at the heart of everything we do. It is a pilot for a new way of engaging with residents, and we will be launching further opportunities for residents to engage with us on how we do things.

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