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Cycleway 38 South: Holloway Road to Pentonville Road

In September 2020, the council introduced Cycleway 38 South on Liverpool Road, a trial cycle lane between Holloway Road and Pentonville Road providing a safer cycle route for all.

The route provides protected space for people cycling, connecting residents across the borough and towards the City and West End. Cycleway 38 forms part of the strategic network of cycle routes the council is developing and delivering across the borough as part of Islington Council’s people-friendly streets programme.

We implemented Cycleway 38 South to:

  • make it easier and safer to cycle and walk as a first choice for local travel
  • reduce road danger, eliminate all deaths and serious injuries
  • clean up the air we breathe and protect and improve the environment.

By making it safer to cycle, Islington residents and visitors will be able to enjoy our borough in a way that reduces unnecessary car journeys and therefore cuts down on air pollution and congestion.

Many surveys show that the main barrier preventing people from cycling is the perception that sharing the road with motor vehicles is too dangerous, so by providing a safer space, separated from motor vehicles where possible, people who would like to use a cycle as transport should be encouraged to do so.

Map of the Cycleway 38 South route 

Download the map of the Cycleway 38 South route


We have now published pre-consultation monitoring report for the Cycleway 38 Liverpool Road trial area. The report includes data one year on from the launch of the trial in September 2020.


We have now published our consultation and engagement report for Cycleway 38 South. This report includes feedback from the public consultation (18 November 2021 to 15 December 2021) and all feedback up until the public consultation from Commonplace, email correspondence, formal objections and stakeholder meetings.

You can also find the full report in the 'Useful Documents' section at the bottom of this page. 

Key findings from the pre-consultation engagement

Feedback received

  • 82 Commonplace comments
  • 231 emails
  • 1,088 consultation questionnaires

Commonplace feedback*

Top 3 problems

  • 38% - volume of traffic
  • 33% - fast traffic
  • 31% - not safe to cycle

Top 3 ways to make it better

  • 25% - slow down traffic
  • 23% - more space for cycling
  • 23% - safer junctions

*The Commonplace figures refer to comments received before the trial was advertised. The figures provided for Commonplace surveys are for the percentage of respondents. The Commonplace platform was open between 15 May 2021 to 2 March 2021.

We have now published our independently written consultation report for Cycleway 38 South. This report included feedback received through the public consultation (18 November 2021 to 15 December 2021).

Key findings from the consultation

  • 54% agreed the introduction of Cycleway 38 South had been a positive change (43% disagreed)
  • 52% said they felt it was easier to make trips by walking and cycling (25% disagreed)
  • 53% said it feels safer to cycle, use an adapted cycle or a non-powered scooter
  • 44% of respondents stated they cycle to local shops and businesses more
  • 48% said the scheme had made it easier to access friends, family and school (25% disagreed)
  • 34% said it was less safe to walk, use a wheelchair or other mobility aid (32% disagreed)
  • 47% said they would like the scheme to be changed (46% disagreed)
  • 56% of participants have a car, versus 29% of households in Islington
  • 26% of respondents stated they use their car for shorter/local journeys less

Next steps: retaining Cycleway 38 South

The positive outcomes from the consultation and monitoring reports support our decision to keep Cycleway 38 South on a permanent basis.

We will introduce a package of improvements to the scheme to address concerns presented in the consultation and to ensure it delivers cleaner, greener, healthier and safer streets for everyone.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Installing extra signage and road markings on the approach to zebra crossings
  • Introducing pedestrian refuges at the Theberton Street/Cloudesley Square and the Richmond Avenue/Gibson Square crossings 
  • Speed reduction measures 
  • Reviewing the prominence of cycle lane markings between Barnsbury Street and Richmond Avenue
  • Working with residents and businesses to identify opportunities for greening along the route

The works to enable the improvements began in April 2022. Residents will be notified accordingly if any works require temporary changes to parking and access arrangements. 

The council will monitor the impact of these improvements and, if necessary, will consider further changes.  

For further detailed information you can read the full Delegated Decision Report and Equality Impact Assessment for Cycleway 38 South and other documents in the 'Useful Documents' section of this page. 

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