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Payment forms not working - Wednesday 23 October

Payment forms on our website are not working right now. This means you can't pay for anything including parking permits and PCNs, rent, registrar certificates and ceremonies and green waste collection permits.

We are very sorry if this affects you and are working hard to fix the problem as soon as we can.


Rent a bike

Find out how to rent a bike in Islington and the contact details for companies who offer them.

Docking station bike hire

Electric bike (e-bike) hire

  • Lime
  • Forest
  • OurBike: You can hire an electric cargo bike by the minute from our community scheme OurBike. It's an easy way to efficiently transport your loads at an affordable price, and better for the environment. 

If you want to complain about hire bikes

If you see hire bikes causing a problem on your street, contact the hire bike company directly.

Hire bike contact

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.