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Payment forms not working - Wednesday 23 October

Payment forms on our website are not working right now. This means you can't pay for anything including parking permits and PCNs, rent, registrar certificates and ceremonies and green waste collection permits.

We are very sorry if this affects you and are working hard to fix the problem as soon as we can.

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Clerkenwell Green

Clerkenwell Green improvement plans


Clerkenwell Green is one of London's oldest public spaces, dating back to the 12th century, and is surrounded by some of Islington's most attractive and valuable historic buildings. It also has a rich social and political history.

In autumn 2017, a public consultation on proposals to improve Clerkenwell Green by creating a more pleasant and greener local environment received support from 82 per cent of 433 respondents. You can find the report from this consultation in the ‘useful documents’ section of this page.

First phase improvements

Between February and August 2023, we completed the first phase of works. The first phase of the scheme:

  • created more space for pedestrians by reducing road space, removing all parking on the Green and relocating the two bus stands to Farringdon Lane
  • laid high-quality paving across the Green
  • added benches, new trees, sustainable urban drainage and planting.

Next steps for Clerkenwell Green

We are now ready to move forward with a second phase of works to improve the Green that will add to and build on the changes we made in the first phase.

Second phase improvements

The second phase of works will focus on the north side of the green, the junction at Farringdon Lane, and will extend around the Old Sessions House as in the design that was consulted on in 2017. We will start works in early February 2024, to finish by summer 2024. 

They will bring more benefits that will help meet the main goals of the plan. Those goals are to:

  • create an improved, greener public space that can be enjoyed by the community, those who work here and visitors to the area
  • make an environment with fewer cars that is safer and more convenient for those who walk, wheel or cycle
  • improve the setting of the area’s historic buildings and other important local landmarks.

The documents about the decision on these changes are in the ‘useful documents’ section.


We will keep you up to date in these ways.

  • Our contractor Marlborough Highways will update their Clerkenwell Green project webpage regularly.
  • This website will include up to date local information on what is happening and any updates about changes to access to the area.
  • We will display notices around the work site area with easy access to website information by QR code.
  • Marlborough Highways will be able to help with any issues or questions. If there is an emergency outside of working hours - between 5pm and 9am, Monday to Friday and on Saturdays and Sundays - you can phone the contractor on 0800 246 1302.

Restricted Parking Zone

As part of a Traffic Management Order made in February 2023, Clerkenwell Green was designated a Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ). This will make sure that the areas is as safe and comfortable as it can be for those walking, wheeling and cycling.

The RPZ means vehicles can't stop or wait and can only load within the four designated loading bays. You can find these at: 

  • Aylesbury Street, outside 1 Clerkenwell Green
  • outside 30 to 32 Clerkenwell Green
  • outside 54 and 55 Clerkenwell Close
  • Clerkenwell Road, across the eastern part of the junction with Clerkenwell Green. 

The RPZ has no road markings. This should make the Green feel calmer with fewer cars around. You can see an example of the signs showing where the RPZ begins below.

Restricted parking zone sign with a red crossed-through circle on blue stating "No loading except in signed bays".

Useful documents

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