11 by 11 is a commitment to ensure all children and young people attending a school in Islington have 11 outstanding cultural experiences by Year 11.
This initiative makes available free creative and cultural activities for local schools, from experiences like free concert tickets and backstage theatre tours to inspiring talks in school assemblies by creative professionals.
The borough of Islington has an outstanding cultural offer and is home to thriving cultural and creative industries. Despite the many advantages that Islington offers to young people, barriers including child poverty, overcrowding at home and unemployment prevent many of them from benefitting from the opportunities around them.
11 by 11 enables all schools and pupils in Islington to have access to high-quality cultural learning experiences free of charge and aims to place culture at the heart of every child’s learning and development.
It comes from Islington’s Fair Futures Commission (2018) which called for more enrichment activity to support children and young people to develop skills for life. This is reflected in the council’s corporate priority to ensure that all of our children get the best start in life, and that our schools are places where all young people can learn and thrive.
We pledge to provide:
- 11 outstanding cultural experiences for all children and young people by Year 11 (age 16)
- training, resources and support for teachers, council staff and cultural organisations
- bespoke activities for children and young people who are most in need or disadvantaged.
11 by 11 has brokered over 46,000 free cultural experiences for young people in Islington schools from 2019-2023, with an estimated value of over £550,000.
All free opportunities that organisations offer through 11 by 11 are available to Islington schools in the 11 by 11 activities menu.
For more information on 11 by 11, email 11by11@islington.gov.uk.
Become a partner
11 by 11 is always looking for new partners to work with to offer free activity to all children and young people in Islington.
If you are a cultural organisation who would like to get involved in offering activity to Islington children and young people, email the Cultural Enrichment team at 11by11@islington.gov.uk.
All cultural partners must meet standard safeguarding requirements.