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May bank holiday services

Find our opening times and changes to services over the May bank holiday, including revised rubbish and recycling collections, parking restrictions and customer contact centre hours. 

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Anti-social behaviour reporting form

Anti-social behaviour reporting form Islington Council is committed to tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB).

We take all reports seriously and work closely with partner agencies to tackle crime and ASB. If you live in an estate owned by a Housing Association, or Registered Social Landlord, you should contact them to report anti-social behaviour.

We may share some information with our trusted partners where necessary to prevent crime and disorder, but this will be held securely and will not be provided to members of the public.

If you wish to report an incident anonymously you may still use this form, but not add your personal contact details.

Please complete these fields

Your details

Address and contact details

If you do not provide a contact phone number, we won't be able to update you with our findings from any visits made. If you are reporting a noise issue, without a phone number we can reach you on we won't be able to investigate.

Details of the incident

All criminal behaviour should be reported to the police. This includes drug use and drug dealing, threats, violence, and harassment. If there is an emergency or someone is at immediate risk, call 999.The non-emergency number is 101 or you can report criminal behaviour online.


Exact location, description of the area

What we will do

  1. All reports of ASB are recorded on our system and given a reference number.
  2. In all cases, we try to get back to you within two working days.We may refer your report to another organisation to help, like a housing provider or the police.
  3. Where further investigation is needed, we will allocate to a case officer, who will deal with your case and work with you.