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Payment forms not working - Wednesday 23 October

Payment forms on our website are not working right now. This means you can't pay for anything including parking permits and PCNs, rent, registrar certificates and ceremonies and green waste collection permits.

We are very sorry if this affects you and are working hard to fix the problem as soon as we can.

Street sign and cone icon

Making Mildmay’s streets more accessible

If you are a disabled resident, this is an exciting opportunity to learn new skills, support your local community, and be involved in improving our streets. We want to hear from you about how we can make the streets and pavements in West Mildmay more accessible.

We also want to set a new standard for doing accessibility audits across the borough. Accessibility audits assess and evaluate our roads and pavements, providing information about obstacles which can impact disabled residents. These accessibility audits are important to make sure everyone in Islington can use our roads and pavements.  

We want to ensure that our accessibility audits reflect the lived experience of disabled people. With your help, we can gain a better understanding of what is needed to improve our roads and pavements for disabled residents. 

This is part of our efforts to create a more equal borough, where everyone can enjoy using our roads and pavements.  

We are working with an accessibility organisation, AccessAble, to run three workshops, looking at West Mildmay around Canonbury Station and Highbury New Park.  


Workshop details


Workshops will take place in-person at an accessible location in the Mildmay ward of Islington:

  • residents will receive a £125 voucher of their choosing for contributing their time and expertise
  • we want to make attending and participating in the workshops as easy as possible for you and want to hear how we can do this
  • we can pay for expenses such as carer and transport costs and will ask for information about accessibility needs when you apply
  • each workshop will be three hours long and will take place on:


  • Saturday 25 November, 2 – 5pm
  • Sunday 26 November, 2 – 5pm
  • Monday 27 November, 2 – 5pm


  • there are ten places available for each workshop. You can choose to come to either:


  • all three workshops
  • workshops 1 and 2
  • or only workshop 3


In workshop 1 you will 

  • learn how we assess and evaluate roads and pavements, considering potential challenges people may face


In workshop 2 you will 

  • put into practice lessons learnt during the first workshop
  • help assess and evaluate the roads and pavements in the west of Mildmay, through a guided research tour of the area. The research tour will take one and a half hours.
  • advise on your experience of using roads and pavements, and how you think we can improve the way we assess pavements and roads


In workshop 3 you will 

  • design a survey for disabled residents which will be included in future accessibility audits in the borough, to help improve the accessibility of our pavements and roads


Register your interest


To register your interest, please email and we will arrange a phone call and/or send you a sign up form, whichever you prefer. 
If you have any questions or would like to arrange a call, please also get in touch with

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.