Bright Lives
Whilst Bright Start and Bright Futures work with children and families, Bright Lives aims to improve support for adults who need extra help.
The Bright Lives alliance brings together key partners from the voluntary sector, council and the health services to create a joined-up approach to co-ordinating and delivering wellbeing and support services by:
- identifying and supporting those with greatest needs before they reach crisis point with a menu of support options
- developing better navigation and understanding of the services on offer with a single referral and triage point
- providing a seamless offer of care and support from integrated locality-based wellbeing teams
- widening access to employment, financial security, housing advice, advice about healthy lifestyle and making social connections
- strengthening the voice of the community and those with lived experience
- reducing the demand for statutory services, that is Adult Social Care, and clinical services
Wellbeing coaching service
The Bright Lives wellbeing coaching service is for adults living in Islington, who are vulnerable and have complex needs.
Our dedicated team of experienced coaches can provide one-to-one support for up to six months, to build residents’ resilience and strengthen their independence and wellbeing.
They will help residents to reflect, set goals and provide tailored support to help people on their journey every step of the way.
Contact us
Refer a resident, access support or ask for more information.
Success story
Svetlana suffered from low self-esteem and anxiety before getting support from the Bright Lives coaching service.